

What you should know about Dermapen microneedling

Collagen is a fundamental component of our body. It gives elasticity and the smoothness to the young skin. With time, the collagen ages and brakes down leading to the appearance of wrinkles. Collagen repair however occurs every time the skin is injured. This is the case with scars which are nothing else but new collagen deposition at the site of injury. Although most scars are considered to be undesirable, there are modern techniques that produce uniform, microscopic scars in the skin leading to new collagen deposition and skin rejuvenation. The most commonly used techniques involve either special lasers or fine needles (micro-needling). These two modalities are equivalent but micro-needling has the advantage of a faster recovery, being less expensive and the fact that hyaluronic acid and vitamins can be injected at the same time.

Dermapen is the most established and the most widely used collagen stimulation device that combines micro-needling with mesotherapy. The treatment is performed in the office under less than 30 minutes. On average 5 sessions are recommended 3-4 weeks apart with an effect that is maximal at 4-6 months and that lasts between 1.5 and 2 years. The treatment is usually performed on the face, the neck and the chest but it can be used on any other part of the body where there is a loss of skin elasticity. It is also effective on smoothing out scars (acne scars) and on closing pores (nose and cheeks).

The treatment is not painful and is rather felt like a gentle brushing. An anesthetic cream is applied to the skin for 10-15 min prior to the treatment. The skin in then disinfected and the treatment is performed. Recovery is very quick; the skin is typically red for less than 6 hours. A hydrating cream with sun protection should be used a couple of times a day for the entire duration of treatment and for two more months following the treatment.

With its specific action on the dermis, Dermapen can be used on its own or as an adjunctive treatment to hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin injections.

  • Practical information:

    Length of procedure: 10-20 min

    Anesthesia: topical cream (Emla)

    Hospitalization: office procedure

    Downtime: 6 hours